Bishop McGuinness Catholic High School’s program of study challenges students to think critically, read purposefully, write effectively, and communicate clearly – all factors enabling a student to reach his or her full academic potential. We offer a comprehensive, college-preparatory curriculum in language arts, mathematics, science, global languages, religion, social studies and history, fine and performing arts, and physical education. Core requirements in each department expose students to both the fundamental knowledge and unanswered questions of every major area of study while elective classes allow for the further development of each student’s skills and interests.

As they move through the curriculum, our students are encouraged to understand fully, accept freely, and live faithfully the Gospel message so that, when they leave Bishop as graduates, they are prepared to lead and serve in a world in need of peace, love, and justice. We guide students to challenge themselves with a strong, varied, and manageable academic course load while considering the entirety of a student’s involvement in all areas of life - including athletic participation, volunteer activities, and extracurricular pursuits.