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Bishop McGuinness teams up with Mobile Serv to easily log and verify our community service hours. The Campus Ministry and Guidance Office can easily access the information order to better gauge Bishop’s impact on the community.
Using either the web-desktop dashboard or the mobile app, students can create a log of their hours and choose two ways to verify their hours served. On the mobile app and web-based dashboard, a verification email will be sent to a supervisor of the organization for which the student served so that the supervisor follows instructions to verify the service hours which have been completed. 
Each student will need a MobileServe code to be able to log community service hours. 
  • Class of 2025- 6653D1
  • Class of 2026- 9EBFB9
  • Class of 2027 - 29A176
  • Class of 2028 - 12EACF
  • Faculty/Staff-  3B21F5

Please complete these 4 steps to start tracking your impact!
  1. Sign Up, enter your school's email address or log in through Facebook
  2. Upload your profile picture and affiliate with BMHS Class of ... by entering code#
  3. Find us on the App Store!
  4. Start volunteering and sharing your story!
For questions about the Mobile Serv app reach out to
Questions regarding service hours in general please email the Director of Campus Ministry.
Villain Walks