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The focus of the Counseling Center is student success. 

The counselor is the advocate for the student. Communication between the teacher and the counselor is important in helping to make sure that the student is on task and making adequate progress. Also, the counselor is the liaison between the home and school. Parent teacher conferences are made through the Counseling Center with the counselor leading the conference.
Academic counseling is at the center of the Counseling Center. They are responsible for advising students on appropriate placement and course selection. The counselors are also responsible for the publishing of report cards and transcripts.  
School-wide testing is coordinated by the Counseling Center. Grades 9-11 take the PSAT annually and juniors take the ACT.  Test results are one tool used in counseling students regarding course placement and college choices. 
With over 98% of the students attending colleges and universities, college counseling is a major focus in the counseling center.  Freshmen, Sophomore, Junior and a Senior Parent Night are offered to make parents aware of the information that students are receiving and to make sure that the parents are an informed part of the high school and college planning process. Counselors also meet with each junior individually to discuss the student’s academic record and college opportunities.
Career counseling is provided through Career Day. This is a one day school-sponsored event with various careers represented. Juniors and seniors are asked to choose three careers of interest, and they attend presentations from professionals in those careers. The most effective career program is Winterim which is designed to give seniors experience in career fields that interest them. Students spend a minimum of thirty (30) hours working in one or more areas of interest. Through working at various businesses, agencies, or clinics, students share job experiences with individuals employed in these career areas.

Contact the Counseling Center

Mrs. Julie Gehling
Counseling Center Director         
Phone: 336-564-1245      
Mrs. Tiffany Ehmig
Phone: 336-564-1003                                                                                                                                    
Mrs. Mary Moon
Registrar/Counseling Center Administrative Assistant
Phone: 336-564-1004                                                                                                                                                                                                                                
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