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Thank you for your commitment to Bishop McGuinness Catholic High School! Your generosity positively impacts our school programs and provides support to our entire community. Thank you for helping us fulfill our mission as we prepare students for the future.

Fund Giving Levels

Paul and Fran Breitbach
Carmine and Wendolynn Cupani
Ken and Sally Hughes
Jack and Michele  Kreber
William and Kristina Reynolds
Anne E. Tezak

Gladys Aguirre
William and Catherine Allen
Dr. Michael and Lilly Andress
Bishop McGuinness Family Association
Ned and Katherine Callaghan
Daniel and Mary Kate Farley
Danny Riazzi
William and Stephanie Sturgill
Villains Club
Christopher and Blanca Yancey

Steven Birch
Campion and Natalie Holton
Holy Family Catholic Church
Tony Garcia and Maria Gomes Garcia
Michael Gnaster
Msgr. Anthony Marcaccio 
Catherine Martin
Frank and Angela Moya
Michael and Austin Murray
Jared and Amanda Rashford
Suzanne Grant Santomieri
Mark and Elizabeth Waterfield

Enrique Aguirre and Estela Leon
Louis and Mary Jo Argenta
George T Baker Foundation, Inc
John and Anne Bandle
Jennifer Roberts Barroso
Mary Boswell
Miguel Cebollero
Sharon Childs
Joe Criscuolo
Justin and Emily Drab
Gregory Drabik
Dennis and Kate Duquette
Fabiane Fitch
Arne and Deborah Halvorsen
John and Tina Heafner
Paul Hoeing
Steven and Leslie Holland
Marty and Connie Hutjens
IL Long GC
Trent and Kate Jernigan
Michael and Chris Lemnios
Lewis and Leslie Lipscomb
Damian and Jamie Loncar
Eric and Stephanie Long
Gregory and Heather Maier
Laurie Raynor Marrujo and Ralph Marrujo
Joseph Meyer
Chadwick and Lisa Miller
Scott Miller
Thomas and Caroline Mock
Andrew and Claire Namen
John and Kelly O'Day
Patrick and Jac Pesavento
Mike and Michelle Pfauth
David and Jenny Ritchie
John and Katherine Robinson
Victoria Zamora Rosenfeld
Joe Ruggieri
Saint Leo the Great
Fr. Edward Sheridan
Edward and Leslie Smith
John and Jaya Sumanth
Rick and Kit Vollmer
Maria Williams
Jennifer Rassmussen Windbeck
Rudnei and Fernanda Wittmann
Stephen and Sarah  Wunner

Enrique Aguilar
Bryce and Christina Aho
Allison Aldridge
Chi Anyansi-Archibong
Jim and Caroline Barber
Kevin and Kathy Briody
Sandra Brockhausen
Terrie Carpino
Randall and Rosalie Carr
Jonathon and Annmargaret Connor
Elaine Crowell
David and Carolyn DeBruhl
Stacey Deese
Paul  Donohoe
Francis and Brenda Dunlevy
Nathan Edwards IV
Sally Fitzhugh
James Foecking
Steffen and Lori Fohn
Richard and Marci Gallman
Bradley Gibson
Kerry and Carolyn Graves
David and Jana Hough
Lori Housand
Joseph and Deborah Hughes
Gene Jernigan
Adriana Jones
Valerie Carr Jurczyk
Eric and Julie Justice
Ann Kendrick
Peter and Kathleen LaMuraglia
Tim and Elizabeth Lynch
John and Laurie MacDonald
Paul and Teresa Marip
Thomas and Annette McKenna
Rod and Paola Mendoza
Jewele Miller
Chris Moody
Rebecca Nash
Mike O'Connell
David and Heather Pacholke
Richard and Rhea Pegram
Michael and Jane Pirkl
Danny and Erin Riazzi
Gregory Ross
Deborah Settle
Cathie Sexton
Brian Slade
Kelly Southard
Michael and Dawn Szatkowski
Stacie Taylor
Arnie and Kathleen Thompson
Daniel Tichy
Michael Verano
Patrice Villa
Felipe and Mayra Villalon
Teresa Anna Villalon
Olay Villamizar
Jim and Amy Wall
Karyn Waterman
Patrick and Ursula Whalen
Cindy Wilkinson
David and Stacey Williams
Trae and Sloan Wilson
Lyndsey Workman

Michael and Beth Agejew
Anthony and Stephanie Anderson
Natalie Angeron
Joseph Argenta
Jeremy and Claire Aufrance
Matt Ball
David and Holly Ballenger
Wendy Barbaria
Louis and Wendy Barber
Sarah Barker
Dan and Marybeth Barrett
Thomas and Sue Ellen Bennett
Tim and Connie Bigwood
Jennifer Birchett
David and Karen Black
Adriano and Sarah Blacutt
Brian and Alison Blaum
Emily Borden
Lindsey Boswell
Patrick and Karen Bowen
Gregory Brown and Rachel Cardona Brown
Tut and Lisa Brown
Paul Browne
Zachary Bruns
Dean and Dalila Campbell
Fr. Noah Carter
Brooks and Sherry Carter
Donald and Peggy Carter
William Cary
Miguel Cebollero
Bryan and Destiny Chapman
Timothy and Bridgett Christopher
Mark and Amanda Clothier
Ellen Cruz
Cathy Cupani
Michael Dancausse
Shereif and Pamela Danial
Dominic Paul Dascoli II
D. Paul and Gretchen Dascoli
Kenneth Davis
Roger and Lisa Davis
Kimberly Davis
Nancy Denizard-Thompson
Gary and Denise DeSalvo
Bob and Susan Dischinger
Samantha Dixon
Ajay and Ronita DSouza
James and Kari Eddington
Dean Edwards
Nathan Edwards
Gerald and Charlotte Eggers
Dan and Kelly Jones
Elizabeth Krol
Raymond and Laura Essma
Charles and Melodi Evans
Richard and Carole Faulk
Jeannie Felts
Samuel and Heather-Anne Fielden
Kevin and Chrissy Freeman
David and Yon Mi Foppe
Ned Forney
Kevin Fuehler
Clark Geddie and Mina Garcia
German Garrido Sanna and Angela Corelli Garrido
James and Julie Gehling
Karen Gerber
Casey Graham
Kimberly Raab Graham
Chris and Latosha Graves
Dan and Jill Gravo
Jack and Jeanne Gravo
Collin and Mandy Greene
Laura Gregory
Kevin and Agnes Grunwald
Louis and Karen Guerriero
Edmund and Cindy Guigar
Tim and Tara Hackman
Tim Handler
Daniel and Claire Hammond
Joseph and Normalinda Hammond
Jim and Lisa Haslam
Bruce Hawley
William and Holly Hedrick
Bryan and Maribel Hill
Tom and Diane Hinzman
Trip and Josi Hoffend
Adam Louis Hoffman
Mark Holcomb
Sabrina Huang
Randy and Karen Huffman
Alan and Kathryn Huss
Kenneth Jackson
Mycki Smith Jennings
Michael and Francesca Jewell
Estella Jiek
Michael and Andrea Jones
Patrick Kane
Shira Kazakewich
Carolyn Kingman
Werner and Laura Kist
Kim and Scott Knox
Tim and Angela Koop
Robert and Suzanne Ladka
Abbie Lakins
Mark Lautzenheiser and Danielle Gram
Bill and Donna Lawler
Michael and Mary Ellen Liebal
Shannon Litchfield
Jeremiah Linn
Chad and Bobbi Long
Brandon Ma
Brendan Maginnis
Frederick  Marchant
Brady Martin
Chris and Jeanine Martin
Eric and Dina Marty
Edward and Linda McAtee
Glenn McKee
Glenn McNairy
Jason and Terri Millard
Chuck and Meghan Miles
Jennifer Miller
Monica Montoya
Carol Morrissey
Allan and Lesley Morrison
Paul Moxon
George Murphy
Craig and Cassandra Murphy
Harold Nagle
Robert Nicolotti
Anushree Shirali Nolasco
Margaret O'Brien
Tony O'Meara
Catalina Orozco
David and Beth Overman
Denon Payne
Chris and Genie Petrangeli
Jennifer Petrovitch
Patrick and Felicia Preudhomme
Meg Pulliam
Lester Quagliano
Donald Rabil
Jeff and Ashley Raborn
James and Lisa Rademaker
Maria Ramirez
Ron and Diane Rashford
Elizabeth Reed
Kay Reeves
Alejandro and Lupita Reyes
Nina Reynolds
Michael and Misty Riccoboni
Charles and Mary Lou Rix
Mauro and Katie Ruggieri
Corbin and Catherine Rusch
Kathryn  Saffer
James and Lisa Saintsing
Ryan Sanford
Ryan and Christine Saunders
Michael and Amanda Schrage
Dan and Nancy Schrage
Michael and Cody Schoen
Christopher and Jennifer Schultheis
Ray and Carmen Schwartz
Rebecca Seeber
Cathy Seivers
Julie Sellars
Carl and Laurie Shutt
Pepe and Brooke Silva
Michael and Jen Skeeles
Arthur and Francesca Staudinger
Brandi Stewart
Amanda Stoltz
Christopher and Christine Storch
Greg and Heather Suire
Patrick Sullivan
Matt and Emily Thiel
Terrie Thoma
Richard Thomas
John Michael Thompson
Jon and Tegan Torpey
Lou and Amy Valente
Richard and Julene Valitutto
Lilia Vieyra
John Villalon
Vlahos Auto Sales
Matthew and Jennifer Walter
Bruce Wheeler
Thomas Westerman
Gary and Mickey Wiggins
Audrey Williams
Donna Williams
Chip and Katie Williams
David and Stacey Williams
Jeffrey and Carol Wiedwald
Steven Winters
Judith Woelfel
Aleksei Wolff and Lisa Aponte-Wolff

Vincent and Ruth Marie Angiolino
Michele Atwell
Janice Bailey
Chase Bahorich
David Baron
Lynn Ruggieri Beahm
Joshua and Kris Beck
Melynda Broomfield
Dalila Campbell
Daniel and Teodora Cetrone
Samantha Cibelli
Cynthia Cincotti
Lee Coble
Zoran and Meghan Crnjak
Laurie Cush-Sorrell
Fabio D'Accio and Maria Laquale
Noelle Davis
Suzette Diaz
Shane Dolan
Nicole Donoghue
John and Tiffany Ehmig
Temple Eller
Anne Griswold Fine
Bethany Fischer
Oliver Frail
Phil and Nicole Freeman
Ronald and Christina Frezzo
Robert and Amy Fries
Kathleen Goldsmith
Jesus and Laura Gonzalez
Derrick Goodman
Antonio Graziani and Stefania Pugliese
Christa Gurka
Yonas Hadgu
Youliana Hadgu
Jean Hall
Geri Halma
Michael James Herschel IV
Eileen Hunt
Theresa Johnson
Mark Johnston
Tracy Jones
Alexandra Katsos
Jessica Keefe
Edward Kernan
Pam Kessler
Shaun and Katie Kilgariff
Nicole Kloesz
Laura Kobet
Robert Koepf
Crystal Koury
Matthew and Kimberleigh Kyle
Ann Jones
Binh Lam
Colleen McConnell-Alverson
Dominique Martin
Martin and Christy Mata
Jennifer McMillan
Denard Mickens
Adam and Andrea Miller
John and Laura Mims
Melissa Montanez
Frances Moody
Matt Moody
Jon and Mary Moon
Christopher and Dora Neubauer
Linda Nicolotti
Sonia Orellana
Bill and April Parker
Kelly Pearlman
Elaine Peck
Alex Pinder
Mark and Lori Porter
Brittany Price
Karen Quagliano
Randy Quarles
Constance Rafferty
Orlando Ramirez
Mary Rashford
Michael Rashford
Stephen Rashford
Amber Richard
John Richardson
Mark and Andrea Ropko
Susan Royster
Steven Sampica
Kevin and Heather Schoenrock
Jennifer and Leroy Seaux
David and Marti Seidel
Felix Silvagnoli and Lorraine Riera
Brian Smith
Darcy Smith
Paul Smith
Christopher and Jennifer Smith
Jeremy and Elizabeth Stone
Jeffrey and Amy Stoller
John and Angela Tesh
Alain and Dibrelle Tourret
Ivanna Valeriano
Abby Warren
Bradley Warren
Michael and Melissa Watson
Claire Willis
Claire Wimbush
Scott Yates and Rebecca Pearson-Yates 
Thomas and Donna Yaudes
Craig Zakrzewski
Taylor Shay Ziemba

Please know that this Impact Report includes all donations received by the Advancement Office between July 1, 2023, to June 30, 2024. Although every attempt is made to ensure accuracy, errors do occur. Should you find an error or omission, please contact Dan Gravo, and accept our apologies.

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