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The Bishop McGuinness Family Association (BMFA), is a group fully staffed by parent volunteers who are committed to supporting the mission of Bishop McGuinness Catholic High School.


The four pillars of the BMFA are Spiritual, Social, Service, and Support:

  • Opportunities to participate in Mass with our school community (weekly morning Mass, all-school Mass, athletic teams and other group Masses offered throughout the school year).
  • Hosting special Masses or prayer services in support of our school community (New Parent welcome Mass, prayer intentions for families in need or experiencing hardship, etc.).
  • Coordinate Athletic Tailgates for all teams during one home game
  • Provide Student and Staff hospitality during special events or activities throughout the school year (Back to School Family Picnic, Teacher Appreciation Week, Student Appreciation Week, etc.).
  • Family Service Opportunities (Day of Service, support for local parishes or community organizations).
  • Volunteer Opportunities (New Parent Meetings, tailgates, special school events, etc.).
  • Support the Advancement Office throughout the school year by coordinating and staffing events (Back to School Picnic, Annual Gala, New Family welcome phone calls, First Day Coffee, etc.)

BMFA Board Members


Lily Andress - President 

Olay Villamizar - Vice President

Austin Murray - Secretary
Natalie Holton - Treasurer


Committee Chairs

Hospitality Committee

  • Amy Valente 

Social Committee


Welcome Committee

  • Annmargaret Connor 

Sunshine Committee

  • Austin Murray


  • Olay Villamizar 

Dan Gravo is a non voting member as Staff Liaison/Director of Advancement, any additional comments, questions or concerns can be directed to him at or 336.564.1009. 

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